Source code for tracer

"""Trace Maya commands executed by the NodeCalculator to return to the user.

    The actual Tracer class is in because it is mutually linked to
    other classes in and would cause cyclic references or tedious
    workarounds to fix.

:author: Mischa Kolbe <>

# Python imports
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Third party imports

# Local imports
from node_calculator import om_util

[docs]class TracerMObject(object): """Class that allows to store metadata with MObjects, used for the Tracer. Note: The Tracer uses variable names for created nodes. This class is an easy and convenient way to store these variable names with the MObject. """
[docs] def __init__(self, node, tracer_variable): """TracerMObject-class constructor. Args: node (MObject): Maya MObject tracer_variable (str): Variable name for this MObject. """ super(TracerMObject, self).__init__() self.mobj = om_util.get_mobj(node) self._tracer_variable = tracer_variable
@property def node(self): """Get name of Maya node this TracerMObject refers to. Returns: str: Name of Maya node in the scene. """ return om_util.get_name_of_mobj(self.mobj) @property def tracer_variable(self): """Get variable name of this TracerMObject. Returns: str: Variable name the NodeCalculator associated with this MObject. """ return self._tracer_variable